Cracking Django JWT

October 16, 2020

Welcome to my first blog post!

I will talk about something you Django developers might tend to forget or ignore.

The SECRET_KEY and how it’s important.


Django Rest-Framework is a godsend when it comes to creating API endpoints quickly

Personally when authenticating any API endpoint I tend to use JWT JSON Web Token

Some of you might have even used JWT or are currently using it

So what does all of this have to do with SECRET_KEY ?

Well as it happens to create a JWT token you need some kind of a secret key password if you may say to generate this JWT token

And when it comes to Django, the go-to password for encryption operations is the SECRET_KEY

Generate a JWT Token

I’ve a Django project ready on a github repository that you can use to recreate this test


After installing the reqs.txt requirements and running the server you can navigate to http://localhost:8000/api/token/ to generate your token

I would recommend creating a superuser first by typing python createsuperuser then using those credentials to generate a token


Now that we have the JWT token you can start by installing hashcat if you haven’t already Here

And maybe even get two more things that will help us in cracking your JWT token, first is the wordlist rockyou.txt which can be found Here

And OneRuleToRuleThemAll from Here

So what’s gonna happen is we have a JWT token, we will first try and crack it using hashcat and the rockyou wordlist, if that fails we can then use hashcat rules, you can read about them more Here

Basically rules will alter the password at every attempt, for example it will add a number to the end of the password or a question mark etc…

Release The Kraken

Now everything should be ready, go to your hashcat folder and create a new file nano jwt.txt and paste the JWT token that your Django application generated there

And make sure both rockyou.txt and OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule are both with in the same folder structure

Then we start with the normal version of cracking by typing:

hashcat jwt.txt -m 16500 -a 0 rockyou.txt

This will make hashcat try to crack the jwt.txt file, while giving it the mode of 16500 which means JWT and an attack mode of 0 which means bruteforce and finally a wordlist, which is rockyou.txt

If you haven’t changed the secret_key yet it should find it within seconds if not instantly

Let’s make it difficult

Let’s change the SECRET_KEY to something more difficult, for example hardPassw0rd! ?

Generate a new token and re-do the same steps we did previously with the exception of the command that we will use

Because now we will be using the rule-based attack by typing:

hashcat jwt.txt -m 16500 -a 0 rockyou.txt -r OneRuleToRuleThemAll.rule

Give it a few moments and it should crack the password!

What does that mean?

Well since you just cracked the JWT token you can realistically generate new JWT tokens using that same SECRET_KEY and trick the website into authenticating you as another user!

You can take a look at information that this JWT holds by using something like and pasting the JWT there, you can see that we have a user_id that we can change and have access to different users but we must have the same SECRET_KEY used first

Thank you

Thank you for reading this far. Hope you enjoyed it!

For any questions you can contact me via email at Fawaz [at] hey [dot] com or via Twitter at @Q8fawazo

Have a nice day!